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Conservatorship is a legal arrangement in which a court appoints a conservator to manage the affairs of a person who is unable to make decisions for themselves due to physical or mental incapacity.

A conservator may be appointed for a minor child or an adult who is incapacitated due to injury, illness, or disability. The conservator is responsible for managing the individual’s financial and personal affairs, such as paying bills, managing assets, making medical decisions, and ensuring that the individual’s basic needs are met.

The conservator is accountable to the court and must act in the best interests of the individual they are appointed to serve. Conservatorship is typically a last resort option when other forms of support, such as the power of attorney or guardianship, are not sufficient to address the needs of the incapacitated individual.

The process of obtaining conservatorship involves filing a petition with the court and providing evidence of the individual’s incapacity and the need for a conservator. It is important to work with qualified legal professionals to navigate the complex legal requirements and responsibilities of conservatorship.

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